We got a call to bury a baby today, Jan. 16, 2018. The mother (unnamed), of the baby did not know she was pregnant and went to the Hospital. She was 39 weeks pregnant and delivered a 7 pound (white) baby girl, stillborn. The mother said, “I don’t want it.” And said, “I don’t even want to know what it is.” She did not want to hold it. She refused to see the baby. She said she did not want to name it. She didn’t want anyone to know that this baby was born. This baby was treated like it was worthless.
When I was asked, “Would you like to have the baby?” I emphatically said,” Yes! We will make her ours!” Unwanted, unloved, forsaken, and abandoned, no more. Now she was ours. No one should ever be insignificant.
The man (unnamed source) who called us about the baby wanted to name this baby Precious. There was another person that had done so much for CBIB, so therefore, we wanted to honor them by giving the baby their last name, Sinclair. This baby was worthy of a beautiful name, Precious Sinclair. This baby is not worthless but indeed precious. We will honor and remember her as a child of God, who was welcomed in the arms of a heavenly Father. I have called you by name and you are mine.
Funeral for “Precious Sinclair”
St. Patrick’s Cemetery #1
5000 Canal Street
New Orleans, La.
Wed. January 31, 2018
1:00 p.m.
CBIB – We beleive that all human life is precious and sacred and deserves a respectful burial.
Accomplishments, history, and information about CBIB
Since 2003, CBIB has helped bury over 100 babies in Louisiana. In 2007 we became a 501c3 tax deductible charity. The babies we have buried range anywhere from 2 months in gestation to 2 years old. We mostly bury babies for poor young families who just don’t have the funds for a baby burial. But occasionally and unfortunately, we get cases of babies abandoned, abused, murdered, thrown away in the trash, found in a toilet or aborted. Last year, on the day after Roe vs. Wade, January 23, 2017, CBIB buried an aborted baby that was unwanted and unnamed. We named him Michael and lovingly buried him. CBIB had a funeral mass for him at St. Anthony’s of Padua Church in New Orleans and buried him in our CBIB Crypt. Each child we bury has been treated with the utmost respect, as though they were our very own. The media did not cover this burial and many people did not even know about it, still we had about 100 people there. This was a special work of mercy to honor the Holy Innocence.
2016 CBIB asked State Representative Tom Willmott to help us lobby for a Compassionate Burials Act to be made into law and now it is a Law in Louisiana, that a woman has the right to bury her fetus (baby) Hospitals now have to give women that right. HB2341 Mothers Right for fetal burial Bill 382
We buried 3 murdered babies in 2017 one of those was an abortion. Most of the babies we buried were fetuses. Everyone is  a Someone. The names of the Babies we helped bury in 2017 were….
Michael Jr.
Michael (Pearl River)
Karter (Slidell)
Jerome Jr.
Francesca (St. Tammany)
We have so many stories. This year we had two different doctors tell two of our mothers (separate occasions) that they needed an abortion because the babies were deformed. Both mothers opted to have the babies naturally. The babies did die naturally but not at the hand of their mother. One of the doctors was supportive of the mother’s decision not to abort, even thought he recommended it.
2017 we had a successful ” fun”draiser in Mandeville. Thanks Jen, Margarita, Fay and so many others for all your support and efforts! We all had such a wonderful time!
2018 CBIB is very excited to announce that we will be on EWTN on The Jim and Joy Show January 25.
Below is the listings of some of the accomplishments that we have been able to achieve through the years with your help. But we consider that our major achievement was to help hundreds of hurting people, families and family members by laying their child to rest in a dignified and respectful manner and to provide for them comfort and closure. We give them a time and a place to heal. We provide a service and pray for their families. It is a powerful display of God’s love towards the brokenhearted showing compassion and understanding with trying to give them hope of their healing in Christ. May our actions reveal that we care. We mourn with those who mourn.
Achievements through the years:
CBIB spoke at:
The National Right to Life Convention
( Mrs. Naccari was on the New Orleans Right to Life board for 8 years as Vice President )
The Jim and Joy Show
The Jeff Crouere Show

The Sally Ann Roberts Show
Many Churches, schools and church groups
WWL TV Channel 4
WDSU TV Channel 6
Focus TV
The National Catholic Registry
Clarion Herald 3x
The Times Picayune
The Advocate
Cabrini Crescent
Mary’s Helpers
( A Host of Mary’s Helpers for many years for Gail Pontsetti while she was out)
Catholic Radio
Kingdom Road
Ava Maria
Life Songs
The Current Word
CBIB respects the wishes of families and if they would prefer another religion, we accommodate them.
We do not discriminate sex, race, or religion.
Our mission is to to provide burials for Indigent babies, comfort for families, and promote the Safe Haven Law.
EJGH Dr.Hevron, said about us, “You provide a valuable service for the Community, I will be an advocate for you.”
“Whatever you do for the least of these little ones, you do it for me.”
Lise Naccari
P.O. Box 778
Lacombe, La. 70445